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The Client
Golan Roter-Holtz is a psychotherapist who runs a private clinic and facilitates support groups for gay men. Recently, he launched the Association for Tapering off Antidepressants to help people avoid the difficult side effects associated with discontinuing these medications.
Golan contacted me to build his website. Since he had no existing branding, the project also included designing a simple logo, color palette, and font selection. In addition to the website, I designed and structured his webinar presentations and posters for his various activities, which can be viewed here.
This was the first website I designed using the Wix Studio editor, and it served as my internship project in web design.
Starting the process - The Characterisation and the challenge
The website needed to encompass three different areas of Golan's work that don't necessarily interact, there was even a thought to build different site for each of them especially since Golan wanted to emphasize one of them more than the others. however, after giving it a long thought we decided to include it all in one site as it is a part of his uniqueness and he is the "product".
Given that Golan also guides gay support groups, I wanted to incorporate that aspect into the color palette while maintaining a gentle, approachable, and warm, open-hearted feeling.

As we realized we wanted readers to feel a sense of warmth, a space where they could let their guard down and feel at home.
Therefore, we prioritized the inclusion of natural elements and colors.
"Atlas" font was selected for the titles due to its square style, conveying a sense of integrity and stability.
"Assistant" font was chosen for the body text because of its natural, clean appearance.
The Solution

The color palette includes a gray-blue range on one end to symbolize masculinity and the sky.
Earth-toned colors on the yellow-brown scale symbolize grounding and warmth, while a moss green hue suggests growth and calmness.
Each area of Golan's work received its own color for its page's background; Blue for the gay support groups, yellow for the Tapering off Antidepressants project, and green for the psychotherapy private sessions. Tapering off Antidepressants was placed in the center, between the other two areas, to give it the central focus.
All together this palette set the infrastructure to include pictures from nature to mark and link the different sections within each page.

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